“Let your light shine, so that others may see the good you do.”

- Inspired by Matthew 5:16

Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Maddock

Mrs Maddock

Year 1 Teacher


Hello everybody, I’m Mrs Maddock and I would like to welcome you all to my class, Year 1. 

 We will continue to have a specialist sports coach (Sports Coaching Group) for PE on a Tuesday and a further P.E slot on Friday with myself so will need to come dressed in their kits for both of these days. Mr. Stannard will be taking our class on a Thursday for music also.

As well as the usual English and maths lessons, over the course of this year, we have many exciting topics to learn about.

During the Autumn term, the children will enjoy ‘A journey around Lower Peover’ as part of our ‘My World’ topic.

Then, in the Spring term, we study toys from the past, thinking about how they have changed and the different ways children play today from the past. We will be have a toy making workshop in school during this topic which the children love.

The Summer term explore kings and queens looking at the royal family, succession and any local links to royalty from the past.

The final term will once again see the whole school focus on an ‘Advocates for Change’ project, yet to be decided upon.

I look forward to seeing you all in September!


General Class Information 

  • P.E: Please make sure you come to school in your P.E kit on Tuesdaysand Fridays for our lessons. Please ensure all kit is named and follows school policy.
  • Drinks: Please make sure you child has a water bottle for drinking during the day. Water bottles must only contain water - no juice or fizzy drinks are permitted
  • Snacks: One healthy snack a day with a treat permitted on Friday only.
  • Coats: Please ensure your child brings a coat into school (labelled)
  • Uniform: Please label all jumpers and cardigans clearly so they can be returned to the right pupil. You would be amazed how much unnamed clothes I have collected this year!
  • Homework: Initially handwriting and spelling to be given out on Friday and handed in the following Wednesday. Expectations for reading is 5 times per week to be recorded on Boomreader.
  • Forest School Activities: If it is your turn to visit the wooded area on the school grounds, please make sure you are dressed appropriately – arms and legs covered.


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