“Let your light shine, so that others may see the good you do.”

- Inspired by Matthew 5:16

Lateness & Punctuality

Lateness and Punctuality 

Doors open from 8.20am giving a 30-minute window for arrival.  Staff will make their way inside at 8.50am to continue their other duties.

All pupils are expected to be in school for registration at that time.

  • Register taken at 8.50am
  • Registers close 9am

Any child who arrives after the doors are closed must enter the school by the main entrance and report to the school office to sign in. If pupils are not in class when the register is taken, they will be coded as ‘L’. Any late arrivals after 9am will be coded as ‘U’ which is an unauthorised absence for that session.

In accordance with the ‘Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006’, if your child arrives after the registers close, they will receive a mark, code U, that shows them to be on site, but this will not count as a present mark, and it will mean they have an unauthorised absence. This may mean that you could face the possibility of a Fixed Penalty Notice or other legal action if the problem persists. 

Children who are consistently late for school are disrupting not only their own education, but also that of other children. Where persistent lateness gives cause for concern, you will be invited to a meeting to resolve the issues.  If there is no improvement following this meeting, further action will be taken which may include referral to external agencies.

You may approach the school at any time for support and advice if you are having difficulty getting your child to school on time or maintaining regular attendance.

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