“Let your light shine, so that others may see the good you do.”

- Inspired by Matthew 5:16

SIAMS Inspection 2018 – Final Report

Please take a moment to read our SIAMS report, from the inspection conducted on Thursday 29th November 2018.

Key findings

  • The exceptionally strong, dynamic leadership of the headteacher has created a vibrant, deeply Christian learning community in which every member flourishes. Dedicated staff and highly skilled governors share the inclusive Christian vision which inspires and directs all aspects of school improvement.
  • Pupils’ excellent behaviour and extremely positive attitudes to life and learning reflect their understanding and application of the school’s well-established core Christian values.
  • Pupils’ outstanding spiritual and personal development results from the experiences provided through the highly creative curriculum, excellent religious education (RE) and outstanding collective worship.
  • Inclusive, nurturing relationships, based on Christian compassion and service, inspire and support all members of the community.
  • Extremely strong, mutually beneficial links with the church and diocese contribute significantly to the school’s distinctive Christian character. They impact positively on the spiritual life of all members of the school family.

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