“Let your light shine, so that others may see the good you do.”

- Inspired by Matthew 5:16

The Governing Board

Our Governing Board

Every school has a Governing Board composed of parent governors, people from the local community, teaching staff and the headteacher. As a church school our Governing Board also includes the Parish Vicar, five governors elected by the Parochial Church Council as well as a member of the Comberbach Trust, who own the land and the school building.

Governors are responsible for the effective management of our school, acting within the framework set out by national legislation and the policies of the Local Authority and the Diocese.  A key responsibility is helping to set strategic direction for the school and we share a committed focus on continuing to drive school performance.

Governor meeting minutes are available on the website under Meeting Minutes section. 

Who We Are?

The Governing Board is currently comprised of ten Governors plus the Head Teacher.  We currently have vacancies for a Foundation Governor. 

Foundation Governor
Mrs Louise Lawton, Chair of Governors

Head Teacher
Mrs Sharon Dean


Foundation Governor
Kirsten O'Shea, Vice Chair of Govnernors


Staff Governor
Mr David Bradley

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Local Authority Governor
Mrs Debbie Rutter

Foundation Governor
Mr Peter Longinotti


Foundation Governor
Mr Graham Norbury


Trustee Representative
Dr Alun McIntyre

Foundation Governor
Position Vacant


Parent Governor
Mr Craig Blain


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Father Murray Aldridge-Collins


Parent Governor
Hannah Burgoyne

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Other contacts

Clerk to the Governors – Julie White (Second2None Clerking Services) [email protected] 


Proposed Meeting Schedule 2024-25

Full Governing Board

Meeting date and time
Thursday 12th September 2024 @ 4.30pm – Governing Board Business matters
Thursday 17th October 2024 @ 4.30pm
Thursday 12th December 2024 @ 4.30pm 

Thursday 30th January 2025 @ 4.30pm

Thursday 20th March 2025 @ 4.30pm

Thursday 22nd May 2025 @ 4.30pm

Thursday 10th July 2025 @ 4.30pm







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